Files and shims, done that. Dremel tool, that too. But a punch? Now we're talking. This tool has literally changed the ski life of my family. Never did I think it would be so easy to make my boots fit so well. Nicely done Patriot!
Michael Lavertu
Great Service
Highly Recommend
mark Nechodom
Off label use is brilliant
While I do have quirky ski boot issues, my real problem was with the heels of my heavy duty hiking boots. They are solidly built, with rubber rands and leather uppers. All I needed was 1mm. I've watched less skilled boot "fitters" blow it and overstretch the boots of others. I have long needed spot stretches, and found most people don't know how to do them. So, I finally ordered this tool, and it's perfect. Yes, it relies on my own cautious approach. But I'm satisfied so far with two bump outs and expect to pull off more! Best couple of hundred bucks I've spent in a long time!
Grant Price
Essential for ski guides
I am a ski guide and former ski patroller that has suffered through numerous seasons of boot pain and failed trips to the boot fitter. This is a must have device for avid skiers. I would love to see some other punch shapes offered.